#WhoToFollow on Twitter for #LOL

On Twitter? Want some recommendations on who to follow?

Well start by following us: 10 Comedians for $10, then go crazy following your favourite (or hopefully-soon-to-be-favourite) ’10 for 10′ comedians on Twitter.  We’ll keep you updated with the latest ’10 Comedians for $10′ shows and other fun comedy stuff to keep you supplied with lols, rofls and lmaos!

Here below is an unbelievably convenient list of comedians who perform in ’10 for $10′ on Twitter. Click on the links below to be taken straight to the relevant Twitter account to follow:

10 for $10 Facebook 10 Comedians for $10 on Twitter

Sean Morahan

Sean Morahan on Twitter

CJ Delling

CJ Delling on Twitter

Thao Thanh Cao

Thao Thanh Cao on Twitter
David Tieck David Tieck on Twitter
Kieran Daughton Kieran Daughton on Twitter
Ruven Govender Ruven Govender on Twitter
Justin Jones Justin Jones on Twitter
Ray Cashman Ray Cashman on Twitter
Lee Reid Lee Reid on Twitter
Ben-Willshaw-150  Ben Willshaw on Twitter
Chris-Hook-150  Chris Hook on Twitter
Alex-Veira-150  Alex Veira on Twitter
Nathan-Lentern-150  Nathan Lentern on Twitter